About The Author

Hello! Welcome to my blog – Grace for Grace.

I spent ten years as a Muslim before searching and finding true faith in Christianity. As a Freelance Journalist, I wrote articles defending Islam during those ten years, taught third and fourth grade in an Islamic school, spoke out for Islam on local radio, and gave speeches in churches and local universities in the religion’s defense. I also briefly worked locally for C.A.I.R, sweeping the internet in search of websites that defamed the religion, and was a contact person in my city for a Muslim website, helping new converts to learn the basic tenets of the faith. I learned to read the Qur’an in Arabic, prayed the five daily prayers +, fasted in Ramadan, and studied the hadiths (the sayings and teachings of Muhammad). Soon after, I married a Muslim man from Palestine. After 9/11, I began to feel that something was not right with this religion called “Peace”, so I began to deeply soul-search, in the hopes of finding true faith in God.  I began to feel so hopeless, not having faith in anything at all, and just begged God for death.  But He had a plan for my life. After many nights filled with prayerful tears and a deep longing for a relationship with my creator, I  converted to Christianity. God showed me day by day how much I was truly loved by Him. That love led me to an understanding of what Jesus Christ did for me –  and how I could in turn love others.  I now have a hope that is eternal. Today I spend time reaching out to other  Muslims to teach them about the love of Christ that saves!   With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I created pamphlets to use as a teaching tool specifically for evangelizing to Muslims.   Visit The Bridge to Grace – Jesus is the bridge that brings Muslims to a saving knowledge of Him! 

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God Bless!



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